A Bundaberg Electricians Guide to Saving Energy This Summer

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When summer arrives in Bundaberg, most residents start to feel the pinch. It’s hot outside, and you just want some sanctuary where it’s nice and cool. But without excessively running your air conditioner, it’s even difficult to find relief inside. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the things a Bundaberg home electrician would suggest in order to save money while still keeping cool in summer.

Energy saving tips for Bundaberg households

With the hot Queensland summer in full swing, let’s jump straight into some tips to save money on your electricity bill this summer. As the best home electrician in Bundaberg, we know a thing or two about saving you money.

  1. Block heat from outside

    The sun’s rays carry a lot of heat, and when they hit your windows, it starts warming up the inside of your home. One way to combat this is to keep your windows covered during the hotter parts of the day. You can use curtains, blinds, shutters or anything else that suits your décor. Blocking the sunlight and keeping your home dark during the day is a great way to avoid it getting too hot.

    Note: Always ensure your home has appropriate ventilation when not opening windows or blinds during the day.

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  1. Use air conditioners on a timer

    If you’re out at work all day, there isn’t much point in having your home nice and cool while you’re out – unless you have pets or children at home. If your home is unattended for long periods, invest in an air conditioner that lets you set a timer or even a smart unit you can control from a mobile app. By cooing your home down for half an hour or an hour before you get home, rather than cranking the air-con all day, you’ll save money and still enjoy a comfortable home.

  2. Use fan mode on air conditioners

    It won’t give you the intense cooling effect, but did you know you can switch your air conditioner from ‘cooling’ to ‘fan’ mode? This should only be used when the temperature cools down outside because fan mode typically removes warm air from your home and replaces it with fresh air from outside. Doing this during the day just lets more heat in, but in the evenings, you can save on cooling expenses by using the less energy-intensive fan made on your air con.

  3. Reduce shower time

    We know that nobody wants to be told to cut their shower length. But in reality, hot water systems are some of the most expensive household items to power. So, when it’s hot outside, try to keep your showers to a minimum – you can even set a countdown timer on your phone to let you know when the time is almost up.

    Alternatively, reduce the temperature of your showers. You might not enjoy a cold shower, but going a little cooler is always good for keeping energy costs down.

home electrician Bundaberg East
  1. Weatherstripping doors and windows

    Every hardware store sells weatherstripping for a small price. That’s why this is such a cost-effective tip. Closing some of those tiny gaps around windows and doors limits the number of places where hot air can sneak into your home. With less hot air inside, your air conditioner won’t need to work as hard, and you’ll save money on power bills. The benefit is, it works just as well in winter for keeping cold air out.

  2. Open windows in the evening

    Even if you’ve had to use your air conditioner for most of the day, you can give it some respite when the sun goes down. Once the temperature outside drops, you can open up your windows and let the breeze in. This is the most cost-effective way to cool your house, but it only works when the temperature outside is lower than it would be inside without the air-con.

Home electrician Svensson Heights
  1. Consider solar energy

    There’s no doubt that Queensland is a terrific place for solar energy due to the great sunny weather. More sun means more solar energy production. More solar energy means lower energy bills from your electricity retailer. While solar batteries are still quite expensive, households can save a lot of money by investing in solar panels and an inverter. This is known as on-grid solar because you still draw electricity from the main grid during the evenings or if your panels don’t produce enough to power your home. Still, the savings are immense and most solar systems pay for themselves in around 4-5 years.

Need help from a local home electrician?

K Electrical offers a range of residential electrical services to help you save money throughout the year. If you’ve ever searched for a ‘local electrician in my area’ and found nothing but hassles, it’s time to discover a different way. K Electrical is solely focused on your needs as our valued customer, so we’re the team to call whether you’re in Bundaberg East, Bundaberg South, Svensson Heights, or any surrounding area. From a regular air conditioner service to installing energy-efficient lights, we’ve got you covered.

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